Introductory note

The International Society for Regenerative Medicine and Surgery (ISRMS) promotes transdiciplinary collaboration for promoting the regenerative medicine concept in Romania.This innovative concept is based on human body’s regenerative potential, using the latest techniques, such as: autotransplantation  of stem cells derived from adipose tissue, turning to good account the endogenous growth factors etc.

The main objective of this society is to develop an open scientific platform for information dissemination and for professional networking within the medical and the scientific community.

ISRMS aims to become a regional actor in regenerative medicine and surgery and a credible partner for dialogue within the international medical field.

2015 Medicine media overview

2015 Medicine media overview

Take a look at 2015 Overview from our partners Politici de Sanatate Magazine and Quinn – the medicine media. Read more

A 3D Porous Gelatin-Alginate-Based-IPN Acts as an Efficient Promoter of Chondrogenesis from Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells

A 3D Porous Gelatin-Alginate-Based-IPN Acts as an Efficient Promoter of Chondrogenesis from Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells

Articular cartilage has a very limited capacity for intrinsic healing. Because the tissue is avascular, the injury does not induce the typical wound healing response, …

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A new scientific era in biomedicine – regenerative surgery based on lipotransplant

A new scientific era in biomedicine – regenerative surgery based on lipotransplant

Very often the psychological repercussions of lipodystrophy in HIV infected patients are important to a level that…

Article LASER Stimulation

Stem cell treatment considerations with specialized lasers for improving/curing rheumatic affections Summary: The following paper will present a way in which laser radiation may help …

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Cell-Assisted Lipotransfer: A Systematic Review of Its Efficacy

Cell-Assisted Lipotransfer: A Systematic Review of Its Efficacy

Autologous lipotransfer is seen as an ideal filler for soft tissue reconstruction. The main limitation of this

Stem cells derived from the adipose tissue – Theoretical and practical aspects

Stem cells derived from the adipose tissue – Theoretical and practical aspects

During the last 6 years it has been determined an exponential increase of interest in terms of embryonic and adult stem cells.

Condensation of Tissue and Stem Cells for Fat Grafting

Condensation of Tissue and Stem Cells for Fat Grafting

“Condensation of Tissue and Stem Cells for Fat Grafting Clinics in Plastic Surgery, Volume 42, Issue 2, Pages 191-197 Shinichiro Kuno, Kotaro Yoshimura Eslevier

In urmatorii 5 ani, medicina regenerativa va rezolva un sfert din problemele actuale

In urmatorii 5 ani, medicina regenerativa va rezolva un sfert din problemele actuale

Peste 300 de cercetători, medici clinicieni și studenți mediciniști au avut acces la cele mai noi tehnici și tehnologii din domeniul medicinei și

Medicina regenerativă, mai aproape de „bătăile inimii”

Medicina regenerativă, mai aproape de „bătăile inimii”

Reuşitele înregistrate în domeniul medicinei regenerative vor conduce, în câţiva ani, la înlocuirea valvei pul­monare sau aortice bolnave cu o valvă biologică viabilă, care să …

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New stem cell treatment could ‘cure’ type 1 diabetes

New stem cell treatment could ‘cure’ type 1 diabetes

Researchers at MIT and Harvard figured out how to produce pancreatic beta cells — the ones that produce insulin — in large quantities back in …

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PROESTETICA team during a regenerative surgical intervention

PROESTETICA team during a regenerative surgical intervention

PROESTETICA team during a regenerative surgical intervention for breast augmentation with two wonderful young people

Prof Alt Eckhart – Co president ISRMS – about the future of regenerative medicine

Prof Alt Eckhart – Co president ISRMS – about the future of regenerative medicine

Over 20% of the medicine will be in ten years regenerative medicine, said thursday the co-chairman of the Scientific Council of the

Reconstrucția mamară face parte din tratamentul cancerului mamar

Reconstrucția mamară face parte din tratamentul cancerului mamar

Reconstrucția mamară după mastectomie nu trebuie văzută ca un procediu estetic sau ca un “accesoriu”, ci ca o necesitate, un act medical fundamental care este parte integrantă a …

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Rezultate revoluționare în medicina regenerativă, prezentate la Congresul SIMCR

Rezultate revoluționare în medicina regenerativă, prezentate la Congresul SIMCR

Peste 300 de cercetători, medici clinicieni și studenți mediciniști au participat la lucrările primului Congres al Societății de Medicină și Chirurgie Regenerativă (SIMCR), desfășurat la …

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The most newest and complex FACE TRANSPLANT

The most newest and complex FACE TRANSPLANT

“The most newest and complex FACE TRANSPLANT”/ “Cel mai nou si complex TRANSPLANT DE FATA” TECH INSIDER Read more

Megavolume Autologous Fat Transfer

Megavolume Autologous Fat Transfer

This article describes the theory and success principles of the author used within the Megavolume Autologous Fat Transfer  (250 ml) at breast level.

Introductory note

The International Society for Regenerative Medicine and Surgery (ISRMS) promotes transdiciplinary collaboration for promoting the regenerative medicine concept in Romania.This innovative concept is based on human body’s regenerative potential, using the latest techniques, such as: autotransplantation of stem cells derived from adipose tissue, turning to good account the endogenous growth factors etc.

The main objective of this society is to develop an open scientific platform for information dissemination and for professional networking within the medical and the scientific community.

ISRMS aims to become a regional actor in regenerative medicine and surgery and a credible partner for dialogue within the international medical field.


1. Studying the regenerative resources of cells derived from the adipose tissue (or other sources) and their applications in biology, general medicine and surgery.

2. Building an interdisciplinary network in order to connect interested specialists and researchers.

3. Promoting the concept of regenerative medicine with strong scientific arguments.

4. Disseminating the latest theoretical and therapeutic knowledge in order to enhance the results of the current medical practice.