About us

ISRMS is a non-governmental and non-for-profit association, which acts as a multi-disciplinary platform for fundamental science and research, medicine and veterinary fields.

As an international forum, ISRMS brings together the expertise of well-known specialists from different fields, in order to build a cooperation framework for the sustainable development of research and treatment therapies.


The multi-disciplinary field of regenerative medicine aims at the replacement, repair or restoration of normal function to disease organs/tissues by the delivery of safe, effective and consistent therapies composed of living cells, administered either alone or in combination with specially designed materials (Langer & Vacanti 1993).

The field covers what was thought originally to be separate therapeutic areas: cell therapy and tissue engineering (creation of in vitro tissues/organs for subsequent transplantation as fully functioning organs or as tissue patches) among others (Baron & Storb 2008).

Therapeutic examples include replacement (transplantation), repair (exogenous cell therapy) or regeneration (mobilization of endogenous pools of stem cells) (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov).

Baron F., Storb R. 2008. Stem cell therapy: past, present, and future. In Advances in tissue engineering (eds Polak J., Mantalaris S., Harding S. E., editors.), pp. 561–591 London, UK: Imperial College Press.

Langer R., Vacanti J. P. 1993. Tissue engineering. Science 260, 920–926 


Prof. Asoc. Dr. Dana Jianu

Prof. Asoc. Dr. Dana Jianu

Co-president SIMCR

Dr. Anca Streinu-Cercel

Dr. Anca Streinu-Cercel

Co-president SIMCR

Prof. Dr. Alexandru Blidaru

Prof. Dr. Alexandru Blidaru

Vice President SIMCR

Prof. Dr. Oana Andreia Coman

Prof. Dr. Oana Andreia Coman

Secretary general SIMCR

Dr. Stefan Jianu

Dr. Stefan Jianu

Treasurer SIMCR