– the “INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE AND SURGERY” Association is a private legal entity with the name reserved by the proof of corporate name availability number 128105 of 17.09.2013 issued by the Ministry of Justice, constituted as a non-profit, independent, non-governmental and apolitical association, with legal personality.
– DURATION AND HEADQUARTER. The association is constituted for an unlimited period of time and has its headquarter in 38-4 Tudor Stefan Street, 1st district.
– The association can establish collaboration relationships with similar organizations or it can join unions or federations, with other institutions and legal or natural entities, in the country or abroad, in order to fulfill the aimed goal, keeping its own legal personality, including its own patrimony.
1. Theoretical study of the regenerative resources of the multipotent cells derived from the adipose tissue and/or other sources (bone marrow, umbilical cord )and their applications in medicine and surgery.
2. Initiation and/or consolidation of the connections between interested disciplines for the multilateralthoroughunderstanding of this new type of medicine of great interest in research and therapy
3. Promoting the regenerative medicine concept through theoretical solid, scientifically strict basis
4. Propagation of new theoretical and therapeutic knowledge arsenal in the current medical practice
5. The correct information of the public upon the concept, principals and treatment possibilities in regenerative medicine and surgery
Representing the non-patrimonial interests of its members and promoting an optimal health care of patients. Specifically:
– to provide professional opinions and to represent the specialists opinions in the field of regenerative surgery and medicine for any body/organization requesting pertinent advice in the field of regenerative surgery and medicine or profession of physician in surgery or regenerative medicine;
-to establish and revise scientific guidelines in the field of regenerative medicine and surgery practice, including the development of guides or other such materials, collaborating with bodies with preoccupations in this field, from the country and abroad;
– to support the association’s members in performing their professional duties;
– to defend / support the development of the careers in regenerative surgery and medicine,
– to develop and provide information and training in the field of regenerative medicine and surgery;
– to support excellence in all the aspects of research in the field of regenerative surgery and medicine;
– to support all the aspects of communication between different disciplines of regenerative surgery and medicine and, also, to support their cooperation in order to develop an unified voice of the specialists in the field or regenerative surgery and medicine;
– to provide an unified public image of the specialist in regenerative surgery and medicine and to represent this opinion in front of the general public and especially in front of the patients;
– to promote and support the principals of medical ethics;
– to promote the cooperation with other medical specialties.
In order to fulfill the declared goal, the association aims the accomplishment of the following OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES, without limitation to:
Organizing national congresses, conferences, counsels, symposia and participation, by its delegates, to international congresses and any other scientific manifestations, under the aegis of the Association;
Promotion and distribution of studies and research related to regenerative surgery and medicine; Development of scientific projects within some scientific meetings or within course organization;
Supporting the public policies and applying the recommendations related to diagnosis, treatment and prevention in the field of regenerative surgery and medicine;
Promoting and maintaining the contacts and international scientific informational exchanges in the field of regenerative surgery and medicine;
Promoting and coordinating the basic research and trials application in the field of regenerative surgery and medicine
Promoting and organizing fundraisings, necessary for developing the research in the field of regenerative surgery and medicine;
Editing scientific publications;
Establishing collaborations with similar organizations in the country and abroad;
Improving medical practice, medical research and medical education in order to optimize the healthcare system and to improve health of the Romanian population, mostly in the field of regenerative surgery and medicine;
Participating in drafting specific strategies, in collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organizations, in regenerative surgery and medicine issues;
Raising the prestige, representation, supporting and promoting the scientific professional interests, as well as protecting the specific activities, both internal and international, in the activity field of the Association.
Participating and developing programs and scientific research projects in the field of regenerative surgery and medicine.
Collaboration with institutions which can contribute to the improvement and development of medical practice, inclusive with international bodies in the field of regenerative surgery and medicine;
Stimulation, supporting and organizing professionally scientific exchanges of information and experience of its members with partners in the country and abroad, in the field of activity of the Association.
Awarding diplomas, awards and other such incentive means, for remarkable scientific and professional activity.
Participating to activities that aim to raise the deontological quality of the medical act.
Suggesting projects for improving the medical graduate and postgraduate education.
Organization, along with the relevant sectors, of specialization or training courses or documentation studies, in the country.
Organization of courses and training programs inclusively with international participation.
Obtaining and awarding scholarships in the country and abroad.
Promoting, by legal means, the Association and its interests, inclusively by supporting the civil legislative initiatives.
Performing any other activity initiated by Members within a meeting called in a valid manner, according to the provisions of the present Statute and in accordance with the purpose the Association was incorporated.
THE “INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE AND SURGERY” ASSOCIATION may affiliate with other legal non-profit entities, in the country and/or abroad, in order to accomplish its goal and objectives.
18.1 The initial patrimony of the Association is constituted of the members’ contributions and is in the amount of RON 1000 RON (one thousand RON).
18.2 The entire patrimony shall be registered and maintained according to the Romanian legal provisions, in the name of the Association and it shall be used exclusively in order to achieve the Association’s goal.
18.3 The patrimony of the Association shall be filled in with incomes coming from:
a) annual subscriptions of the Members;
b) interests and dividends obtained by financial investments achieved in accordance with the legal provisions;
c) dividends of the companies regulated by Law no. 31/1990 incorporated by the Association;
d) incomes obtained by direct economic activities;
e) donations,sponsorships or weaving;
f) resources obtained from the state budget or from the local budgets;
g) other incomes provided by law.
The patrimony of the Association shall be meant exclusively within the purpose of achieving its objectives.
The financial year starts on January 1st and ends on December 31st of each year.