It can become a member of the International Society for Regenerative Medicine and Surgery any natural or legal entity, residing in Romania or any other location, submitting a written adhesion in this regard , proving an interest or preoccupation related to the Association and intending to contribute by its activity to the fulfillment of the Association’s Goal and Objectives.

In order to register as a Member of The International Society of Regenerative Medicine and Surgery in Romania, it is mandatory the payment of a registration fee (that will be the annual membership fee of the related year):

- 400 LEI

- 150 LEI in case of resident physicians, PhD

- Free for students

The amount being transferred in one of the following accounts:

  • RON ACCOUNT: RO51UGBI0000102017295RON
  • EURO ACCOUNT: RO44UGBI0000102017296EUR
  • USD ACCOUNT: RO41UGBI0000102017297USD

*The International Society of Regenerative Medicine and Surgery, 38-40 Tudor Stefan Street, 1st District, Bucharest

Payment for Romanian citizens only in LEI using the National Bank öf Romania exchange rate from the current day

Note: The annual Fee can be changes with the approval of the ISRMS Board of Directors

To enroll in the International Society of Regenerative Medicine and Surgery please fill the registration form (download .pdf file) and send it accompanied by your recent CV (one page) and proof of payment to: