Prof. Dr. Alexandru BlidaruVice President SIMCR
MD General Surgery, MD Medical Oncology Specialization in Surgical Oncology and Gynecologic Oncology Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialist Competence in General Ultrasound Doctor in Medical Sciences |
Education and Training
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Carol Davila”, Bucharest – class 1982; Dissertation „technique modified radical mastectomy” under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dan Setlacec
- Doctor in Medical Sciences with „Conservative treatment of breast cancer”; PhD supervisor Prof. Dr. Ion Bălănescu
- Specialization courses conducted in Romania and in Italy, Greece, France, Austria, United Kingdom, United States:
- Emergency Surgery
- Laparoscopy
- Surgical Oncology
- Gincologie oncology
- Oncoplastic surgery of the breast
- Reconstruction of the breast after mastectomy
- Profesor Universitar, Șef Disciplină Chirurgie Oncologică, Departament Chirurgie, UMF “Carol Davila” București
- Courses with students, resident doctors, physicians and primary surgery in gynecology and oncology
- Conducător doctorate – UMF “Carol Davila” București
Professional Experience
- Head of Department Surgical Oncology, Institute of Oncology „Prof. Dr. Alexander Trestioreanu „, Bucharest
- Over 20,000 operations performed in the 30 years of activity in gynecological oncology surgery and carried out:
- Floreasca Emergency Hospital, Bucharest
- Institute „Prof. Dr. Alexander Treistioreanu „, Bucharest
- Private Medical Centers
- Initiator and promoter in Bucharest Oncology Institute of the different surgical techniques:
- Locating breast lesions infraclinice
- Techniques laparoscopy in gynecology
- Conservative treatment of breast cancer and breast surgery Oncoplastic
- Identification and sentinel node biopsy – over 700 such operations performed in breast cancer, melanoma, gynecological cancers and digestive
- Immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy, using different types of implants – 70 cases
Scientific and research activity
- Participant, speaker and organizer of over 120 scientific and foreign specialties: surgery, surgical oncology, plastic surgery and oncology
- Coordinator and member in contract research and clinical trials
- Author and co-author of over 80 articles, books, book chapters, monographs and CD-ROM media at home and abroad
- Member of the Romanian Society of Surgery and member of the editorial board of the journal „Surgery”
- Founding member and President of the Society for Surgery of the Breast
- Founding Member and Vice-President of the International Society for Regenerative Medicine and Surgery
- Founding member of the Society of Surgical Oncology in Romania
- Member of UICC Fellows
- Honorary member of Romanian Society of Aesthetic Surgery
- Member of MANOSMED
- Founding member of the Romanian Society of Oncology
- Member European Association of Surgery Emergency and Editor Consultant to „European Journal of Emergency Surgery”