”A challenge of 21st Century: regenerative medicine; research and clinical applications ”


08.30 – 10.00 Registration

Location: Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology (ICBP) ’’Nicolae Simionescu’’

9.00 – 13.00 PRACTICAL COURSE : Techniques to validate the isolation of adipose derived stem cells and their differentiation evaluation.

Location: Laboratories of ICBP ’’Nicolae Simionescu’’ & Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Research Platform in Biology and Systemic Ecology (PCBE) – Faculty of Biology


Bianca Galateanu, Sorina Dinescu – PCBE, Faculty of Biology

Bogdan Preda, Florin Iordache – ICBP ’’Nicolae Simionescu’’

13.00 – 14.00 LUNCH

Location: PCBE, Faculty of Biology – offered for practical course’ participants by BioMedMol Association

13.00 – 14.30 Registration



Location: Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology (ICBP) ’’Nicolae Simionescu’’

Speakers: Agneta Simionescu, Lina Badimon, Dana Jianu

14:30 – 15:00 Introduction; past, present and future, Agneta Simionescu

15:00 – 15:10 Discussions

15:10 – 15:40 Stem cells; discovery and biology, Agneta Simionescu

15:40 – 15:50 Discussions

15:50 – 16:20 Stem cell therapy and other clinical applications, Dana Jianu

16:20 – 16:30 Discussions


16:40 – 17:40 Keynote Lecture: “Adipose tissue stem cells and ischemia-induced microvascular impairment in the heart”, Lina Badimon

17:40 – 18:00 Discussions


08.30 – 10.00 Registration

Location: Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology (ICBP) ’’Nicolae Simionescu’’

9.00 – 13.00 PRACTICAL COURSE : Techniques to validate the isolation of adipose derived stem cells and their differentiation evaluation.

Location: Laboratories of ICBP ’’Nicolae Simionescu’’ & Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Research Platform in Biology and Systemic Ecology (PCBE) – Faculty of Biology


Bianca Galateanu, Sorina Dinescu -University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology

Bogdan Preda, Florin Iordache ICBP ’’Nicolae Simionescu’’

13.00 – 14.00 LUNCH

Location: PCBE, Faculty of Biology – offered for practical course’ participants by BioMedMol Association

13.00 – 14.30 Registration


Location: Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology (ICBP) ’’Nicolae Simionescu’’ Speakers:

Agneta Simionescu, Dan Simionescu, Dorin Alexandru, Manuela Calin

14:30 – 15:20 Tissue engineering, biomaterials and scaffolds, Agneta Simionescu

15:20 – 15:30 Discussions

15:30 – 15:55 Bioprinting, Dorin Alexandru

15:55 – 16:20 Targeted therapies using nanoparticles, Manuela Calin

16:20 – 16:30 Discussions


16:40 – 17:10 Preclinical testing and animal studies, Dan Simionescu

17:10 – 17:20 Discussions

17:20 – 18:10 Translational, ethical and legal issues, Dan Simionescu

18:10 – 18:20 Discussions

19.30 FACULTY DINNER – by invitation


Location: Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology (ICBP) ’’Nicolae Simionescu’’

08:30-10:00 Registration

09:00-09:20 CO2 laser increases the regenerative capacity of human adipose-derived stem cells by a mechanism involving the redox state and enhanced secretion of pro-angiogenic molecules. Alina Constantin, Dana Jianu, Maya Simionescu

09:20-09:40 Tissue engineering technologies for cardiac valve regeneration using stem cells and biological scaffolds (VALVE-REGEN). Marius Harpa, Radu Deac, Horatiu Suciu, Michael Dandel, Simona Gurzu, Lucian Harceaga, Husam Al Hussein, Marius Beleaua, Terezia Preda, Ionela Movileanu, Loredana Harpa, Hamida Al Hussein, Oana Moldovan, Zoltan Pavai, Imre Egyed, Carmen Sircuta, Dan Nistor, Klara Branzaniuc, Azamfirei Leonard, Minodora Dobreanu, Alina Scridon, Olah Peter, Nicoleta Suciu, Ovidiu Cotoi, Megan Casco, Margarita Portilla, Agneta Simionescu, Leslie Sierad, Dan Simionescu

09:40-10:00 Plastic regenerative surgery for face and extremities. Our experience. Dana Jianu, Cobani Oltjon

10:00-10:20 Hypoxia regulates the pro-angiogenic effect of subcutaneously transplanted mesenchymal stromal cells. Mihai Bogdan Preda, Maya Simionescu, Sinziana Popescu, Raluca Tutuianu, Ana-Maria Rosca, Alexandrina Burlacu

10:20-10:40 Regenerative medicine and surgery: an update in research about PRP standardization quality looking for answers in orthopaedics practice. Marco Liccardo

10:40-11:00 Ultrastructural markers in the dental pulp stem niche. Mugurel Constantin Rusu

11:00-11:30 Keynote Lecture: From fatty tissue to stem cells:clinical applications. Guy Magalon

11:30-11:45 Discussions


Dr. Dana Jianu, ISRMS Co-President

Acad. Maya Simionescu, , ISRMS Co-President Scientific Council

Prof. Dr. Adrian Streinu Cercel – Chief of Infectious Disease Department UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest, Manager of National Institute of Infectious Disease “Prof. Dr. Matei Bals”, Vicepresident ISRMS

Prof. Dan Simionescu – ISRMS Course Director

Prof. Guy Magalon – Emeritus Professor in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Aix-Marseille University, France

(Coffee in the room)

12:20-12:40 From insulin sensitivity to anti-ageing benefits: a centennial of metformin evidence.

Alice Ceacareanu

12:40-13:00 Magnetic Nanoparticles for the development of advanced therapies in regenerative medicine. Luminita Simion Labusca, Ecaterina Radu, Oana Dragos Pinzaru, Daniel Herea, Horia Chiriac, Nicoleta Lupu

13:00-14:00 LUNCH & EXHIBITION

14:00-14:15 Magnetic Stimulation of Adipose Derived Stem Cells Improves the Chronic Wounds and bone Regeneration Management. Bianca Galateanu, Ariana Hudita, Mirela Serban, Ionut Radu, Eugenia Vasile, Catalin Zaharia, Silviu C. Badoiu, Dana Jianu, Marieta Costache

14:15-14:30 Liver regeneration following successful treatment of viral hepatitis – a multifactorial pathway. Oana Săndulescu

14:30-14:45 Partial extraction therapy – a conservative approach to the surgical treatment of non-restorable teeth. Mihai Săndulescu, Cristian Rotaru

14:45-15:00 Updates in regenerative plastic – aesthetic surgery of breast. Teodor Stamate

15:00-15:15 Regenerative medicine in general surgery. Stefan Jianu, Eduard Ursuleanu

15:15-15:30 Ultrastructural markers indicating the regenerative role of the human adult trigeminal ganglion Schwann cells. Mugurel Constantin Rusu

15:30-16:00 Video conference: Molecular bases of hematopoetic stem cell renewal. Stefan Constantinescu


16:15-16:45 Keynote Lecture: Can we revert the loss of cardiomyocytes in heart failure? Eckhard Alt

16:45-17:00 Imagistic assessment of stem cell therapy outcome in patients with ischemic cardiac disease. Maria Dorobantu, Miruna Mihaela Micheu 

17:00-17:15 Adipose tissue in breast reconstruction. Iulia Matei-Purge, Mihaela Radu, Aniela Noditi, Elena Ichim, Cristian Bordea, Alexandru Blidaru

17:15-17:30 Stem cell therapy in acute myocardial infarction – quo vadis? Miruna Mihaela Micheu

17:30-17:45 Clinical applications in regenerative breast plastic surgery. Dana Jianu, Oltjon Cobani

17:45-18:00 Discussions

19.00 Event Dinner – by invitation

Location:The Harp


Location: Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology (ICBP) ’’Nicolae Simionescu’’

09:00-09:15 Stem Cell Usage in Nerve Damage Repair. Catalina Bamford, Holden Bamford

09:15-09:30 Video conference: Stem cells between cutaneous inflamation and tumoregenesis. Daniel Boda, Constantin Caruntu, Daciana Branisteanu

09:30-09:45 Update and perspective in regenerative therapy of Parkinson’s disease. Oana Coman, Horia Paunescu

09:45-10:00 The lucidum layer in rumen mucosa of ruminants and epidermis of humans and animals. Victor Dragolici, Ioan Pop de Popa, Catalin Hideg, Calin Giurcaneanu, Constantin Ionescu Targoviste

10:00-10:15 Regenerative alternatives in spine degeneration. Ovidiu Palea

10:15-10:30 Mesenchymal stem cells – precursors of insulin –producing cells? Ioan Valentin Matei, Alexandra Ivan, Calin A. Tatu, Mirabela I. Cristea, Ada Telea, Oana I. Gavriliuc, Florina Bojin, Simona Anghel, Carmen Panaitescu, Virgil Paunescu

10:30-11:00 Treating Scleroderma of the Face and Hands with Fat and Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF). Guy Magalon

11:00-11:15 Discussions


12:00-12:15 Human adipose-derived stem cells applications for bone tissue engineering- current developments. Sorina Dinescu

12:15-12:30 Regulations in the field of mesenchymal adult stem cell therapies in Romania. Nicolae Fotin

12:00-12:30 Autologous blood components and stem cells in clinical practice. Dzihan Abazovic

12:30-12:45 Full thickness knee cartilage repair using AMIC technique. Vlad Predescu

12:45-13:00 The implications of regenerative therapies in ligament reconstructions. Bogdan Andrei

13:00-13:15 Poster: Evaluation of oxidative stress level induced by Si/SiO2 QDs in vivo in the liver tissue. Delia Alexandra Niţă, Miruna Stan, Anca Dinischiotu

13:15-13:30 Discussions

13:30 Adjourn